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Advent #12: Hepatitis C - 100 to 0

There are diseases such as Alstroem syndrome that are considered incurable. Like Hepatitis C about ten years ago.

The drugs available at the time to treat this insidious liver infection were a torment for the affected people – only a few endured the therapy. Switching off the virus – this was only possible in very few people.

Then came the year 2014. A new generation of direct-acting antiviral drugs saw the light of day after decades of research. What can they do? They completely eliminate the virus – in eight to twelve weeks and with almost no side effects.

People are healed.

Thus, Hepatitis C is actually due for the medical history books – look up in the chapter: "Once upon a time...". If we succeed in finding and treating all those affected.

What do we learn from this?

There are diseases that ARE CONSIDERED INCURABLE SO FAR. But we can change that – as the example of Hepatitis C shows. But it also shows how important it is to find all those affected - which is all the more important in the case of such an unknown disease as Alstroem syndrome!

Because the unthinkable is possible.


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